“A collaboration with Iain MacArthur were we worked with Brewgooder, London Fields Brewery and Alex Fatho to bring this project to life.
A beer brewed to help make a difference. Proceeds made from sales went to provide free one to one therapy sessions for those in the service industry. The idea being, that when people ordered a Please and Thankyou, they had to use those two words that, really do, make all the difference to those who work in hospitality.”
-Nic Mac
ESP//Diseño de etiquetas en colaboración con Iain MacArthur. Trabajamos con Brewgooder, London Fields Brewery y Alex Fatho para dar vida a este proyecto.
Una cerveza elaborada para ayudar a marcar la diferencia. Los beneficios de las ventas se destinaron a ofrecer sesiones gratuitas de terapia individual a los trabajadores del sector servicios. La idea era que, cuando la gente pidiera un "Por favor" y un "Gracias", utilizara esas dos palabras que realmente marcan la diferencia para quienes trabajan en el sector de la hostelería.